My mother was looking through a drawer filled with old photos and mementos when she discovered a herbarium that had belonged to my great-grandfather's sister. She had completed this herbarium as a school project in 1895, at the age of 15. My mother gave me this folio. Not only was I taken with the fact that I was looking at plants that had been pressed 114 years ago, but I was also taken with the beautiful effect created by the ghostly reverse photographic images that the plants had left imprinted on the opposing pages.
Before viewing this herbarium, I had already considered creating ghostly images of plants that are native to my yard. These would be woodland plants of the Carolinian Forest. Inspired by what I saw in my great-great aunt's book, I contacted a photographer friend of mine who suggested that I use a Lumen printing process in which the light of the sun exposed photographic images of plants laid out on photo-sensitive paper. The results are stunning. I want to state here that I have not been poaching protected wild areas for the plants I use in this series. They have all come from private properties with their owners’ blessings.
Trout Lily, 16X20"
White Frame
May Flower, 16X20"
White Frame
Canadian Columbine, 16X 20"
White Frame